A new type pilot actuated high-pressure pneumatic proportional control valve was proposed in order to meet a performance specification of an under-water control equipment. 针对某水下控制装置的特殊要求,设计了一种新型高压气动先导式比例控制阀。
What I have ended up doing is creating a technical and behavioural performance specification for our pilots. 我已经为我们的飞行员建立了一套技术和行为表现规范。
Performance specification This paper has summarily described the actuality and history of innovation management. 对全球性技术管理研究现状与历史演变进行了概括性的描述。
The algorithm can be used to support the performance specification and the efficient calculation of the integrity monitoring process. 该算法可用于完好性监测的性能要求规定,计算高效。
This paper introduces the production formulation of the coatings in question, performance specification, influential factors and application. 介绍了溶剂型丙烯酸荧光涂料的生产配方、性能指标、影响因素。
Polypropylene speciality resin that met performance specification of the hot pack bottle was synthesized with taking random copolymer of propylene as base resin and introducing transparent agent in small quantity. 以无规共聚聚丙烯为基础树脂,添加少量透明剂,生产出符合热灌装瓶用树脂性能要求的专用树脂;
Since the parameters of the designed controller can schedule with the frequency variation of the harmonic disturbance and satisfy some performance specification requirements, it can effectively reject all known varying frequency harmonic disturbances. 由于所设计的控制器参数能够随干扰频率变化进行调度并能满足要求的性能指标,因此实现了对所有已知变化频率谐波干扰的有效抑制。
The third part carry on should equip of the total design and performance organization specification of design. 第三部分进行该装置的总体设计及执行机构规格的设计。
Test results show that the system can improve the performance and specification of rolling strategy optimization. 结果表明,该方法能大大改善轧制策略的优化性能指标。
Two new two-degree-of-freedom control structures were proposed for doubly integrating plants with time delay, in one of which the setpoint tracking controller is designed by using the H_2 optimal performance specification and in the other, a conventional derivative controller is utilized for the setpoint tracking. 针对具有时滞的双重积分对象,提出了两种新颖的二自由度控制结构.对于给定点跟踪控制器:一个是采用鲁棒H2最优控制性能指标设计;
According to the performance specification of the H ∞ torsional modal observer, a bound of the maximum energy gain between the estimation error and the residual modes is introduced to attenuate the effect of the residual modes. 通过分析H∞扭振模态观测器的性能指标可知,H∞扭振模态观测器引入了一个反映受控模态估计偏差对剩余模态分量的最大能量增益的约束,以抑制剩余模态分量的影响。
The performance specification of CDT and tube assembly ( ITC product) are given. 并给出了管子及其组装产品(ITC产品)的性能规格。
The Research on the Set of Performance Specification of the Model for Adjusting Train Diagram on Double-track Railway with Satisfactory Optimization 基于满意优化理论的复线列车运行调整模型的性能指标体系
The whole design of mechanical device is reasonable, and the performance specification meets requests fully. 整个机械装置设计合理,性能指标完全满足设计要求。
Based on this, this paper analyzes performance specification of range measurement loop with compute simulation. 在此基础上,本文分析了测距回路的性能指标,并进行计算机仿真分析。
It is adaptive to change of performance specification. 容易适应性能指标的部分改变。
This paper analyses quantitatively the performance requirement of multimedia communication networks in such aspects as the essential elements, the requirement of system network bandwidth, the system performance specification of multimedia communication, and the requirement of multimedia application system's performance specification. 本文从多媒体通信的基本因素、多媒体通信系统网络带宽的需求、多媒体通信系统的性能指标、多媒体应用系统的性能指标需求等方面对多媒体性能需求作了定量分析。
This paper deals with the design problem of robust performance for SISO systems. The explicit formulae for the robust performance specification μ and scale d of an SISO system with multiplicative uncertainty are presented. The D-K iteration can therefore be simplified. 讨论了SISO系统鲁棒性能设计问题.给出了具有乘性不确定性SISO系统鲁棒性能指标μ及相应d的显式表达式,从而简化了μ综合的D&K迭代。
Research on Allocation Method of the Error Performance Specification for High Capacity Digital Microwave Communication Systems 大容量数字微波通信系统总体设计中指标分配方法的研究
The selections of weighting functions are studied based on an explicit formula for the robust performance specification μ of a SISO system with a multiplicative uncertainty. 根据具有乘性不确定性SISO系统鲁棒性能指标μ的显式表达式,分析了μ综合中权函数的选择。
An evaluating definition of observation spillover of the torsional modal observer is developed, in which the requirement of spillover suppression is formulated as a H ∞ performance specification. 提出一种针对扭振模态观测器的溢出问题的评价定义,将溢出抑制要求表达为一个H∞性能指标。
Utilizing this program, the design of regulators and simulation tests can be completed automatically and fast when the desirable performance specification and original parameters of the system are input. 利用此程序,只要输入所期望的指标和系统固有的参数,就可自动快速地完成调节器的设计和仿真检验。
The result shows that the selected materials and process are feasible and both the gross property and the size accuracy meet the requirement of performance specification. 结果表明,所选用的材料和工艺可行,雷达罩的整体性能和尺寸精度均满足性能指标要求。
Then, the vibration suppression problem with harmonic disturbance is transformed into standard H ∞ control design problem by selecting quadratic performance specification. 然后,选取二次性能指标将谐波干扰作用下振动抑制问题转换为标准的H∞控制器设计问题。
A new analytical design method of PID controller was proposed for typical second-order integrating processes with time delay in industry according to the robust control H_ ∞ performance specification. And the sufficient and necessary conditions for holding internal stability of the closed-loop control system were provided. 针对工业中常见的具有积分和时滞特性的二阶过程对象,根据鲁棒控制H∞性能指标提出了一种解析设计PID控制器的新方法,并给出了闭环控制系统保证内稳定的充分必要条件。
A Study on Limit Performance Specification of a Digital Receiver 数字化接收机极限性能指标的研究
So in production of diesel fuel, every performance specification must be measured accurately in order to satisfy different uses. 因此,在柴油的生产过程中,我们必须准确测量它的各项性能指标以用于不同用途。
After the debugging of parameters, experimental results showed that the rate precision and stationarity had been greatly improved and the system meet the requirement of performance specification. 实验结果显示转台速率精度和平稳性有了很大的改善,系统达到了性能指标要求。
At last, we will design an algorithm which can test IPv6 network and this algorithm will be used to test the performance specification of an experimental IPv6 network. 最后,文章给出了一个IPv6网络性能测试算法,使用此算法实测了IPv6实验网的性能指标。
The acceleration of the vertical vehicle body is defined in the H2 performance specification. 将车身垂向加速度定义为H2性能指标。